Happy Hour Promo


*Harga belum termasuk sewa rental equipment 2 jam

1.Harness climbing Rp 10.000,-

2.Shoes climbing Rp 15.000,-

3.Belay device(atc/grigri)  Rp 20.000,-

4.Belayer /belay device Rp 100.000,-

5.Calk bag Rp 5.000,-


1. Harness climbing

2. Locker room

3. Free drink (voucer)

*Climbing guidelines

1.Min age of 5 years as long as you can safely

fit into the harness.

2.Minimum age 5th under 12 th should be accompa-nied

by adult.

3.Min weight 20kg & max weight 120 kg